Euphorbia Francoisii Care and Propagation (A Complete Guide)

By | Updated April 25, 2023

The Euphorbia francoisii is a succulent that has become popular in recent years due to its unique look.

They are very easy to propagate and care for, making them a perfect succulent for the beginner succulent enthusiast!

This guide will show you how to take care of your Euphorbia francoisii and propagate it so you can grow your own at home!


Euphorbia francoisii is a plant in the family Euphorbiaceae that is endemic to Madagascar.

As the plant matures, it will usually grow to be around 6 inches (15 cm) in height.

One of the plants’ notable features is its variable shape, size, and color in leaves, making it one of the most diverse succulents.

Every Euphorbia francoisii plant has its own unique color, even if they are clones. The plant can come in many color combinations, including white, purple, green, and pink.

This Euphorbia species bloom yellow-green to pink flowers in late spring to early summer.

How To Care for Euphorbia Francoisii

Euphorbia francoisii care is relatively easy and forgiving.

Euphorbia francoisii care starts before planting by allowing the Euphorbia to adjust from its pot to its new home in your garden bed or outdoor container at least four days before planting.

This adjustment period allows any root damage incurred during transplanting to heal while gradually adjusting water and nutrient levels.

During Euphorbias’ adjustment phase, keep them out of direct sun so that they can acclimate without getting too hot or stressed.

The following are the most important points to provide proper care for Euphorbia francoisii succulent plants.

Sun Exposure & Light Requirements

Euphorbia francoisii prefers a location in either full sun or partial shade.

If you want to make the plant happier and healthier, try to provide it with as much light exposure.

It needs at least six hours of direct sunlight per day to thrive.

If the succulent becomes too stressed out by full sun, a location in partial shade is recommended instead. Just remember to make sure you provide it with plenty of bright light.

If your Euphorbia francoisii succulent is indoors, it may need a bright light throughout the day.

To provide adequate lighting for your Euphorbia plant indoors, try placing it in front of a window that provides plenty of natural sunlight and allows some sun to shine through.

Keep in mind that Euphorbia francoisii will want more hours of indirect or artificial sun exposure than other plants.

These plants also do well when they are located close to an east-facing window or door during the cold months of winter.

This will increase their chances of surviving those colder periods while keeping them warmer than outdoors on your porch.

Watering Requirements

Euphorbia francoisii succulent plants need to be watered only when the soil feels dry.

Water them thoroughly until water flows out of the drainage hole, and then stop watering again.

Be sure not to overwater, as this can cause root rot, killing the plant.

Soil Requirements

Euphorbia francoisii grow best when planted into a cactus potting mix or another type of well-draining medium such as sand.

The plants have shallow root systems, so working compost into the top layer of soil before planting will help ensure healthy growth on all sides.

Temperature and Humidity

Euphorbia francoisii plants like to be in a temperature that ranges from 55-72 degrees Fahrenheit (12-22°C).

They also need the humidity level to be between 40-70% during the warmer months. The humidity should be lower than 40% during cooler periods to prevent rot and mold growth.

Do not put Euphorbia francoisii succulents near air conditioners or heat vents because this will dry them out too much or make them cold respectively.


Euphorbia francoisii succulent plants do not need much fertilizing because they store water in their leaves. They can be fed one time per year, but it is not necessary to do so.

The best type of fertilizer is a slow-release, water-soluble fertilizer.

Mix one tablespoon of the fertilizer with warm water and pour it over the soil on top of any gravel in your plant pot.

Do not fertilize Euphorbia francoisii if they have become too dry or are about to go into dormancy.

Good organic options for Euphorbias include compost, manure tea from an animal farm (chicken farming works well), worm castings, or kelp meal powder.

These types of fertilizers release nutrients slowly so that you do not need to worry about harming your Euphorbia by overfertilizing.

Potting and Repotting

The Euphorbia francoisii plant can be potted up and repotted at any time of the year.

You should use a coarse, well-draining soil mix so that it doesn’t become waterlogged.

When you transplant your Euphorbia francoisii succulent into its new container, make sure not to pack the roots in tightly as this could damage them or restrict growth.

The most common way to do this is by laying out the roots over an inch below the surface of the removed media and then backfilling with a healthy potting medium that has been mixed with some sand or perlite for improved drainage properties.

This allows plenty of room for the plant to grow without restricting root development.

When planting a Euphorbia francoisii succulent outside, it must never get planted too deep as they have shallow rooting systems. They are susceptible to rotting if planted too deep in the ground.

The plant should be placed so that just a small amount of soil is resting on its roots, with no more than one inch of covering material added, and even less for shallow-rooted euphorbias.

This ensures plenty of growing room without undue root pressure, which can lead to rotting from rot or crown rots and inhibiting new growth.


Pruning Euphorbia francoisii is a great way to promote the health and vibrancy of your succulent.

When pruning Euphorbias, remove dead, diseased, or old growth from the plant that might be holding back its recovery.

It also stimulates new, healthy growth at the pruned site, which can help prevent insects like mealybugs from settling in on these older areas of Euphorbia plants.

Euphorbias grow fairly slowly, so they are generally not cut more than once every year.

Pests and Diseases

Although Euphorbia francoisii plants are not prone to many pests and diseases, you should be aware of a few of them.

These include aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, as well as crown rot fungus, and root rots.

The first three can usually be dealt with by spraying the plant off with water or insecticidal soap from time to time (but do take care not to over-soap).

These problems should be caught in their early stages before any damage has been done to the plant.

However, if left untreated, these pests will eventually kill your Euphorbia francoisii succulent plants, so act quickly!

Crown rot fungus attacks roots, while root rots attack both stems and roots, but they will grow with the plant and become progressively worse.

If you notice any signs of rot, it is best to cut off these succulents at their base as soon as possible before they spread and infect other plants in your collection.

Do not water Euphorbia francoisii in wet soil or fertilize them too much, which can lead to root rots.

Ensure that you do not overwater either, so make sure there’s good drainage where your Euphorbias live!

How to Care for Euphorbia Francoisii in Winter

Euphorbia francoisii is a succulent plant that thrives in moderate temperatures.

It usually does not need any special care in winter, but there are some things you can do to help it survive the cold months with less stress.

  • The first thing you should do, if possible, is to bring the Euphorbia francoisii inside.
  • Make sure it has a warm space near a window or fireplace that gets plenty of light so it can stay in active growth mode.
  • Water the Euphorbia francoisii sparingly because it will need less water in winter.
  • Protect the Euphorbia francoisii from drafts or temperature fluctuations, which can cause its leaves to fall off prematurely and lead to rot.
  • If you live somewhere that gets cold, consider a heated propagation mat so your Euphorbia plants always stay warm.

How To Propagate Euphorbia Francoisii

The Euphorbia francoisii can be propagated by both cuttings and from its seeds.


One method to propagate Euphorbia francoisii is by taking cuttings.

Propagation by cuttings is the easiest Euphorbia francoisii propagation method and usually produces the most successful results.

  • Take cuttings from the euphorbia francoisii plant in early spring before new growth starts.
  • Cut just below a leaf node on a stem with at least two leaves to produce a healthy eye that has no side branches or buds.
  • Place them into the soil, then mist it until it is moist.
  • Place in bright, filtered light and keep damp at all times.
  • The Euphorbia francoisii cuttings should have rooted in about two weeks.
  • After a month, pot the Euphorbia Francoisii cutting into their own container with soil, and keep misting lightly until they are well established.


The Euphorbia Francoisii can also be propagated from seeds.

Sow the seeds in pots or small containers that are well-drained and have soil just barely covering them.

Keep moist until they germinate, then keep moderately watered but not excessively wet.

Water only when the Euphorbia francoisii starts to look dry at its surface level by checking daily for signs of drying out.

Place in bright, filtered light with a temperature of 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 Celcius).

Keep moist and away from direct sunlight while waiting for Euphorbia Francoisii seeds to sprout into seedlings ready for planting outdoors once they reach about two inches tall.

On average, the propagation process should take six weeks for Euphorbia francoisii seeds.

Is the Euphorbia Francoisii Toxic?

The Euphorbia francoisii plant is not toxic but contains a milky sap that may irritate the skin if applied.

When handling Euphorbias, make sure to wear protective gloves when handling them as their sap can cause irritation on contact with sensitive skin.

Final Thoughts

The Euphorbia francoisii plant is a succulent that can be propagated and taken care of easily.

The best part about this plant? It won’t take up too much room in your home!

All you need to do for your Euphorbia to thrive is provide some direct sunlight, good drainage, and occasional watering.

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