How To Fix a Leggy Monstera (An Easy Guide)

By | Updated November 2, 2023

Monstera plants are popular houseplants known for their large, glossy leaves and ability to climb trees.

However, sometimes these plants can become leggy, meaning they have long stems with few leaves. This can make the plant look unhealthy and unattractive.

If your Monstera plant is looking a bit leggy, don’t worry! There are a few easy things you can do to fix the problem.

In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about leggy Monstera plants, including what causes them and how to fix them.

What Causes a Leggy Monstera Plant?

There are a few reasons why your Monstera plant might become leggy.

One reason is that the plant is not getting enough light. Monstera plants need bright, indirect sunlight to thrive. If they don’t get enough light, they will start to stretch out in search of it.

Another reason for leggy growth is that the plant is not getting enough water. If the soil is too dry, the Monstera plant will start to droop, and the leaves will fall off. The stems will also become weak and brittle.

Finally, your Monstera plant might be leggy because it’s not getting enough nutrients.

Monstera plants need to be fertilized every few weeks to keep them healthy. If they don’t get enough nutrients, they will start to stretch out and become weak.

How To Tell If a Monstera Is Leggy

There are a few signs that you can look for to tell if your Monstera plant is leggy.

The most common signs of a leggy Monstera are:

The Plant Has Long, Spindly Stems

Long, spindly stems are a sure sign that your Monstera plant is leggy.

These stems will be weak and brittle and often break easily.

A healthy Monstera plant will have thick, strong stems that can support the weight of the leaves.

The Plant Has Few Leaves

Another sign of a leggy Monstera plant is that it has few leaves.

This is because the plant is not getting enough light or nutrients, so it cannot produce new leaves.

A healthy Monstera plant will have lots of lush green leaves.

The Plant Is Stretching Towards the Light

If your Monstera plant is stretching towards the light, it’s a sure sign that it’s not getting enough light.

Monstera plants need bright indirect sunlight to thrive.

If they don’t get enough light, they will start to stretch out in search of it.

The Plant Is Drooping

Leggy Monsteras will often start to droop.

This is because the stems are thin and weak and cannot support the weight of the leaves.

A healthy Monstera plant will have strong, thick stems that can support the weight of the leaves.

The Plant Is Pale Green or Yellow

If your Monstera plant is pale green or yellow, it’s a sign that it’s not getting enough light.

Monstera plants need bright indirect sunlight to thrive.

If they are in low light conditions, they will start to stretch out in search of it, and their leaves will become pale.

The Plant Is Falling Over

If your Monstera plant is falling over, it’s a sign that the stems are too weak to support the weight of the leaves.

A healthy Monstera plant will have strong, thick stems that can support the weight of the leaves.

The Plant Is Not Growing New Leaves

If your Monstera plant is not growing new leaves, it’s a sign that it’s not getting enough light or nutrients.

Monstera plants need bright indirect sunlight and regular fertilization to grow new leaves.

How To Fix a Leggy Monstera Plant

Now that you know what causes a leggy Monstera plant, it’s time to learn how to fix it.

Here are a few easy things you can do:

1. Move Your Monstera to a Bright Location

If your Monstera plant is leggy, the first thing you should do is move it to a brighter location.

Monstera plants need bright indirect sunlight to thrive.

If they don’t get enough light, they will start to stretch out in search of it.

So, if you want to fix a leggy Monstera plant, you first need to make sure it’s getting enough light.

The best way to do this is to move it to a sunny location, such as a windowsill.

If you can’t move your Monstera plant to a brighter location, you can also try using grow lights.

Grow lights are artificial lights that mimic the sunlight, and they’re an excellent way to provide your Monstera plant with the light it needs to thrive.

How Much Light Does a Monstera Need?

Monstera plants need bright indirect sunlight to thrive.

They need at least 5 hours of sunlight daily, but more is better.

Indoor Monstera plants should be placed near an east- or west-facing window.

Outdoor Monsteras should be placed in a spot that gets dappled sunlight throughout the day.

2. Fertilize Your Monstera Plant

If your Monstera plant is not growing new leaves, it’s likely because it’s not getting enough nutrients.

Monstera plants need to be fertilized regularly to grow new leaves.

The best way to fertilize a Monstera plant is to use a balanced fertilizer, such as an all-purpose fertilizer, every 2 weeks during the growing season.

If you’re unsure when the growing season is in your area, fertilizing from spring to fall is a good rule.

3. Prune Your Monstera Plant

Pruning is an excellent way to encourage new growth on a leggy Monstera plant.

Trim your Monstera plant by removing the long stems at their base.

This will encourage the plant to grow new stems and leaves, filling it out and making it look more attractive.

How to Prune a Leggy Monstera Plant

Pruning is an excellent way to encourage new growth and make your leggy Monstera plant look fuller and more attractive.

To prune your leggy Monstera plant:

  1. Cut off the leggy stems at the base.
  2. Remove any dying leaves that are yellow or brown.
  3. Trim back any stems that are longer than 3 feet (1 meter).
  4. Prune your plant every 2-3 weeks during the growing season.
  5. Discard the pruned leaves, stems, and flowers in the trash.

4. Repot Your Monstera Plant

If your Monstera plant is still leggy after you’ve tried moving it to a brighter location, fertilizing it, and pruning it, it’s time to repot the plant.

When you repot a plant, you give it a fresh start.

The new pot will provide the plant with fresh soil, and the act of repotting will stimulate new growth.

How to Repot Leggy Monstera

To repot your Monstera plant:

  1. Choose a pot 2-3 inches (5-7 cm) larger than the current pot.
  2. Remove the plant from its existing pot and gently loosen the roots.
  3. Place the plant in the new pot and fill it in with a fresh potting mix.
  4. Don’t water the plant for a few days to give the roots time to adjust to the new pot.

5. Give Your Monstera Plant Some Time

If you’ve tried all of the above and your Monstera plant is still leggy, then the best thing you can do is give it some time.

Monstera plants are slow growers, so it will take some time for the plant to fill out.

Be patient and keep up with your regular care routine; eventually, your plant will start to look more full and less leggy.

In the meantime, you can try using a plant support to help prop up your leggy plant.

A plant support is a stake or trellis that you can use to help support the plant and prevent it from falling over.

How to Support a Leggy Monstera Plant

If your Monstera plant is still leggy, you can try using a plant support to help prop up the plant and prevent it from falling over.

To support a leggy Monstera plant:

Place a stake or trellis in the pot next to the plant.

Gently tie the plant to the support with some soft string or fabric.

Be careful not to tie the plant too tightly, as this can damage the stems.

Check the support regularly and adjust as needed.

Remember, eventually, your plant will start to fill out and won’t need the support anymore.


If your Monstera plant is looking leggy, don’t despair! With patience and care, you can get your plant to look full and healthy again in no time. Just be sure to move your plant to a

How To Prevent a Leggy Monstera Plant

There are a few things you can do to prevent your Monstera plant from becoming leggy:

1. Place Your Plant in a Bright Location

Monstera plants need bright indirect light to thrive. If the plant is placed in too shady of a location, it will become leggy as it stretches towards the light.

To prevent your plant from becoming leggy, place it in a bright location where it will receive plenty of indirect light, but protected fron direct sunlight.

2. Turn Your Plant Regularly

Another way to prevent your Monstera plant from becoming leggy is to turn it regularly.

Monstera plants tend to grow towards the light, so if you don’t turn the plant, it will become lopsided.

To prevent your plant from becoming lopsided, turn it every week.

3. Make Sure Other Plants Don’t Block Them

If you have other plants blocking your Monstera plant from getting enough light, it will become leggy as it tries to reach the light.

To prevent your plant from becoming leggy, place it where other plants won’t block it.

4. Prune Your Plant Regularly

Pruning your Monstera plant will help to keep it full and bushy. If you don’t prune your plant, it will become leggy as it grows.

To prevent your plant from becoming leggy, prune it regularly.

Prune your plant by cutting off the tips of the leaves. You can also remove any yellow or brown leaves.

5. Fertilize Your Plant Regularly

Fertilizing your Monstera plant will help to keep it healthy and promote new growth. If you don’t fertilize your plant, it will become leggy as it grows.

To prevent your plant from becoming leggy, fertilize it regularly.

You can fertilize your plant with a general-purpose fertilizer or a Monstera-specific fertilizer.

Fertilize your plant every two weeks during the growing season but don’t fertilize it during the winter.

6. Repot Your Plant Regularly

Repotting your Monstera plant will help to keep it healthy and promote new growth. If you don’t repot your plant, it will become leggy as it grows.

To prevent your plant from becoming leggy, repot it every two years or so.

When repotting your plant, use a pot that is slightly larger than the current one.

7. Keep Your Plant Healthy

A healthy plant is less likely to become leggy. If your plant is unhealthy, it will become leggy as it grows.

To keep your plant healthy, water it regularly, but don’t overwater it. Allow the soil to dry out between watering.

Be sure to fertilize your plant regularly and repot it every two years.

If you follow these tips, your Monstera plant will stay healthy and won’t become leggy.

Final Thoughts

A Monstera plant that is leggy is not the end of the world.

You can bring your plant back to life with a bit of pruning and care.

Remember to give your Monstera plenty of light, water, and fertilizer to prevent legginess in the future.

With proper care, your Monstera will be healthy and thriving in no time.

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