Overwatered Calla Lily: How To Identify, Treat and Prevent It

By | Updated April 22, 2023

Overwatering Calla Lilies can lead to root rot and yellowing leaves, causing drooping or dying. Moist soil is needed, but over-saturation causes root rot. Treat and prevent plant diseases and water according to recommendations for each plant’s species.

Calla Lilies are elegant and captivating plants, beloved by gardeners for their graceful curves and stunning blossoms. 

However, overwatering these beauties can lead to many issues that quickly turn your Calla Lily from radiant to wilted.

Here we’ll explore the signs of an overwatered Calla Lily, delve into treatment options, and provide essential tips on preventing future mishaps.

Identifying Overwatered Calla Lilies

Calla Lilies are beautiful and delicate flowers that require proper care to thrive. 

However, overwatering can be harmful and cause various signs of stress to appear. 

Wilting leaves or flowers, yellowing or browning of leaves, root rot, and fungus or mold growth all indicate overwatering. 

Identifying these signs early on can help prevent further damage and ensure the health and longevity of your Calla Lilies.

Wilting Leaves Or Flowers

One of the most common indicators of an overwatered calla lily is wilting leaves or flowers. 

Ironically, this symptom can often be mistaken for underwatering, as both issues lead to a similar drooping appearance.

To differentiate between overwatering and underwatering in such a scenario, check the soil moisture with your finger. 

If it feels soggy or wet without any visible dryness, there’s a strong chance your plant has been overwatered.

For instance, a gardener from California shared their experience online about how they initially misjudged wilting in their potted Calla Lilies as a lack of hydration but later discovered a damp potting mix beneath the surface that was causing root rot.

Yellowing Or Browning Of Leaves

Browning or yellowing leaves are common in overwatered Calla Lilies, indicating that the plant may suffer from root rot or other complications. 

This phenomenon can occur when excess water disrupts the natural balance and airflow in the soil, causing undue stress on your beloved calla lily plant.

To identify if your Calla Lilies are experiencing issues due to overwatering, carefully examine the soil surrounding your plants. 

If it feels soggy or consistently moist even after some time has passed since you last watered them, this should raise alarm bells.

Additionally, watch out for environmental stressors such as changing temperatures or pest infestations that could exacerbate problems related to overwatering.

Root Rot

Root rot is common when Calla Lilies are overwatered, causing the roots to decay and become slimy. 

This dangerous condition can ultimately lead to the death of your beloved plant if left unaddressed.

To treat root rot in your Calla Lilies, it’s essential first to halt any further watering, allowing the soil around the plant’s rhizomes (underground stems) to dry out.

Additionally, ensure proper drainage by placing your potted calla lilies in containers with ample holes at their base for excess water to escape easily. 

One helpful trick is to mix peat moss into your potting soil; this increases drainage ability while retaining sufficient moisture levels for healthy growth during early summer through late summer.

Fungus Or Mold Growth

Overwatering can lead to fungus or mold growth, a common problem with Calla Lilies. 

The disease spreads rapidly under warm and moist conditions, damaging the plant’s leaves, stems, and flowers.

Powdery mildew can also develop on the foliage if the humidity level is high. 

If you notice any furry or slimy patches on your plants, they are likely affected by fungal growth.

To prevent this from happening to your Calla Lilies, ensure you don’t overwater them and keep their environment well-ventilated.

Fungi reproduce by producing spores that spread through the air. This makes it easy for them to infect nearby plants if they’re not controlled promptly.

Treating Overwatered Calla Lilies

If you have overwatered calla lilies, taking immediate action is crucial to saving the plant. 

This involves several steps, such as adjusting drainage, pruning affected parts, and using fungicides or pesticides. 

Proper watering techniques are also essential to prevent further damage. Here we’ll explore these methods to help you treat your overwatered calla lilies and get them thriving again.

Stop Watering The Plant

If you notice that your Calla Lily is overwatered, the first step in treating it is to stop watering the plant altogether. 

Here’s what to do next:

  1. Check to see if there is any standing water in the pot or saucer, and remove it.
  2. Allow the soil to dry out by placing the pot in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight.
  3. Monitor the soil moisture level with a moisture meter before watering again.
  4. Water the plant sparingly only when necessary, ensuring not to oversaturate the soil.
  5. Adjust drainage by adding perlite or sand to promote proper water flow and prevent standing water.

Adjust Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial for calla lilies to thrive. 

Adjusting the drainage can help treat the issue if your plant is overwatered. 

Here’s what you should do:

  1. Check the pot: If your calla lily is in a pot, ensure it has drainage holes at the bottom. If not, drill some holes or consider repotting it.
  2. Remove excess water: If there is any standing water in the saucer or pot, remove it immediately.
  3. Elevate the pot: Elevating the pot with bricks or blocks can help improve airflow and prevent water from accumulating at the bottom.
  4. Add perlite or sand: Adding perlite or sand to your soil mix can improve drainage and prevent soil compaction.
  5. Repot carefully: For severe cases of root rot, it may be necessary to repot your calla lily in fresh soil with better drainage.

Adjusting the drainage of your overwatered calla lily allows it to recover and grow healthy again. 

Remember to always check for proper drainage when potting any plants!

Prune Affected Leaves And Stems

If your Calla Lily shows signs of overwatering, it’s important to address the issue before it worsens. 

Pruning affected leaves and stems is an effective way of treating overwatered Calla Lilies. 

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Use sharp and sterile pruning shears to prevent further disease or infection transmission.
  2. Cut off any yellow or brown leaves which are already damaged beyond repair.
  3. Remove any soft, mushy stems or rhizomes that show signs of rotting.
  4. Trim any remaining healthy stems by cutting them back to a point just above where the stem meets the soil level.

Remember not to remove too many leaves or stems at once, as this can stress your plant even more. 

It’s best to prune gradually over time and let your calla lily recover slowly.

Use Fungicides Or Pesticides

When overwatering has already caused damage and possible fungal or mold growth in your Calla Lilies, using fungicides or pesticides can be a helpful way to treat the problem. 

Here are some things to consider when using these chemicals:

  1. Choose the right product: Use a fungicide or pesticide labeled for calla lilies and follow the instructions carefully.
  2. Apply at the right time: Apply the product as soon as you notice signs of disease or infestation to prevent further spread.
  3. Use protective gear: Wear gloves, eye protection, and a mask when applying any chemical product.
  4. Be mindful of dosage: Overuse of fungicides or pesticides can cause harm to your plant, so follow the instructions on the label for dosage and frequency of application.
  5. Consider organic options: Organic fungicides and pesticides can be effective without potentially harmful chemicals.

Implement Proper Watering Techniques

Implementing proper watering techniques to prevent overwatering and keep your Calla lilies healthy is crucial. 

Here are some tips to ensure you’re giving your plant just the right amount of water:

  1. Water sparingly: Calla lilies prefer slightly moist soil, so avoid watering too frequently or heavily. Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  2. Allow soil to dry out: Let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. This will prevent excess moisture and help prevent root rot.
  3. Use well-draining soil: Plant your calla lilies in a potting mix that allows excess water to drain away from the roots.
  4. Avoid standing water: Empty any remaining water from saucers or trays beneath your pots after watering to prevent standing water.
  5. Monitor environmental conditions: The amount of water your calla lily needs can vary depending on temperature and humidity levels, so adjust accordingly.

Preventing Overwatering In Calla Lilies

To prevent overwatering in Calla Lilies, it’s crucial to take some precautions, such as using well-draining soil and pots, watering only when needed, allowing the soil to dry between watering, avoiding standing water and monitoring environmental conditions. 

These measures will help maintain the soil’s appropriate moisture level and prevent issues related to overwatering, such as root rot and yellowing foliage.

Use Well-draining Soil And Pots

To prevent overwatering in calla lilies, it’s crucial to use well-draining soil and pots. 

This helps to ensure that excess moisture can escape, allowing the plant to receive adequate water without becoming waterlogged. 

Here are some tips on using well-draining soil and pots:

  1. Choose a pot with at least one drainage hole at the bottom.
  2. Use a good quality potting mix that contains perlite or vermiculite, which helps improve drainage.
  3. Mix some peat moss into the potting mix to help retain moisture while still allowing for drainage.
  4. Avoid using heavy garden soil or clay-based soils, as these can retain too much moisture and lead to overwatering.
  5. Ensure that the pot size is appropriate for the plant size, as having too much soil around the roots can also lead to overwatering.

Well-draining soil and pots can help prevent root rot and keep your Calla Lilies healthy and thriving.

Water Sparingly And Only When Necessary

One of the most important things to remember when caring for Calla Lilies is to water them sparingly and only when necessary. 

Overwatering can cause several issues, including root rot and pythium rot, that can ultimately harm or kill the plant.

To determine if your Calla Lily needs watering, check the soil moisture by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil. 

If it feels dry, this may indicate it’s time to water.

When watering your Calla Lilies, avoiding getting water on their leaves is essential as this can lead to fungal growth and other diseases. 

Instead, try directing water toward the base of the plant using a watering can or hose with low pressure.

And remember – different factors such as temperature, humidity levels, and pot size will affect how frequently you need to water your plants.

Allow Soil To Dry Between Watering

Letting the soil dry out between watering your Calla Lilies is important. 

These plants require adequate moisture, but watering them too often and keeping the soil consistently moist can lead to problems like root rot and other diseases.

To prevent overwatering, wait until the top inch of the soil feels dry before watering again.

Another helpful tip is to ensure water drains away from your plant completely after each watering session. 

This will help prevent standing water in the pot, which can also contribute to issues with overwatering.

Remember that different factors can affect how quickly or slowly your potting mix dries out, so be mindful of environmental conditions like temperature and humidity.

Avoid Standing Water

Standing water is the enemy of Calla Lilies, and ensuring they don’t sit in it is crucial. 

When excess water accumulates around the roots, it causes them to rot and encourages fungal growth.

This creates an environment where the plant can no longer absorb nutrients or moisture, leading to yellowing leaves and wilting flowers. 

To avoid standing water, ensure your pot has adequate drainage holes for excess water to escape easily.

Additionally, try not to overwater your Calla Llily, as this will cause more harm than good. 

Instead of relying on a strict watering schedule, check the soil frequently to know when it’s properly dry before adding more moisture.

Monitor Environmental Conditions

To prevent overwatering in your Calla Lilies, it’s crucial to monitor the environmental conditions of your plant. 

One key factor is the amount of sunlight that your plant receives.

Direct sunlight for extended periods can dry out the soil quickly, causing you to water too much to compensate. 

On the other hand, too little sunlight can cause moisture to build up in the soil and lead to root rot.

Another important factor is temperature – if it’s particularly hot or humid outside, you may need to water more frequently than usual.

Final Thoughts

Understanding how to identify, treat, and prevent overwatering in Calla Lilies can help these beautiful plants flourish in your garden or home.

You can avoid common issues like root rot and other fungal infections by being attentive to the signs of overwatering and implementing proper drainage and watering techniques.

Remember to inspect your plants regularly for any indications of trouble and take action promptly if needed.